capacity development

capacity development

The Indo German Programme on Universal Health Coverage (IGUHC) focuses on enhancing the capabilities of two key stakeholders: 1) National officials responsible for policy recommendations, and 2) State officials overseeing the management and implementation of PM-JAY. The national stakeholders are required to be equipped to strategically align AB PM-JAY with Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through formulation of policy recommendations based on empirical evidence and suggest adjustments as the programme evolves. This will be achieved through the exchange of learning experiences from various regions within the country and abroad. Best practices and experiments will be identified, documented, and shared to enhance implementation decisions.
State-level stakeholders play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless implementation of AB PM-JAY at the state level. They determine the path to success for UHC as they are tasked with expanding the networks of accredited hospitals, managing information, processing payments to service providers, and handling insurance management. IGUHC aims to ensure an adequate availability of trained personnel at the state level to operationalize AB PM-JAY implementation. Through this institutional capacity development, the availability of healthcare services can be enhanced, thereby improving conditions for achieving UHC.
Many of PHPP alumni are now placed in the government system, thereby contributing to strengthening health systems in the country. 
The professionals’ profiles range from IT, finance and administration, health financing, programme management, claims adjudication, monitoring and evaluation, data analytics, capacity building, health communication etc.

GIZ Professional Programme for Health Protection

The Professional Programme for Health Protection (PPHP) was established as a capacity-creation mechanism by GIZ and the Government of India to resolve existing human resource shortages in health agencies. Under the IGUHC and its predecessor the Indo-German Social Security Programme (IGSSP), the PPHP identifies, provides training and mentors young and mid-level professionals with specialised skills and qualifications.
These professionals are then placed in the National Health Authority (NHA), the State Health Agencies (SHAs), and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for implementing the national health insurance/assurance programme (PM-JAY) and to assist in other technical functions. The PPHP also provides exposure to these professionals for nuanced tasks related to their interests and skills and provides access to knowledge-sharing platforms along with continuous mentorship. After the 12-month deployment, NHA and SHAs are encouraged to absorb the professionals within their organisations, and at their own cost.
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